Following Christ into the Public Square
Join our community along with our guests US Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry Black, Dr. David Oginde, & Dr. Pangernungba Kechu on March 26th for a free webinar exploring what it means to be the incarnational presence of Christ in our world.
“The cradle of the church was the marketplace. From the preaching and public ministry of Jesus to the daily acts of the Apostles, the central scene was the marketplace…The marketplace is where we belong..It is not enough for the church to hang a welcome sign on her door. We dare not wait for the world to come to us.” (RC Sproul)
The Gospels present us with the compelling narrative of Jesus in the public square or “marketplace” (Mark 6:56). The picture they paint, however, is not one of direct confrontation with the centers of political power, or even speaking about political issues. For Jesus, the public square had to do with meeting people where they were, in the brokenness of their lives, and addressing them incarnationally and meaningfully. He sought to offer a vision of an alternative kingdom, where truth, justice, mercy, love, empowerment of women, upliftment of the downtrodden were the hallmarks.
This webinar seeks to address this critical understanding of Jesus in the public square. In some ways he is already present in the public square and our job is to follow him into that space. We anticipate this webinar to help us appreciate what the gospels reveal to us about Jesus’ engagement in the public space, who he engaged with, and how he engaged. Our mission is not “to take” Christ into the public square, but rather “follow” him and his example as we seek to be his incarnational presence in our world.
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