Project Description
Decreased levels of tolerance for corruption by individuals, church and community
- In collaboration with public and private sector develop and advocate for adoption of policies, regulatory frameworks, accountability mechanisms and tools which
- Inculcate national values about stewardship in public service procurement and service delivery at all levels
- Leadership and institutional management accountability framework for results at all levels
- Service charters and pricing at all service delivery points
Social accountability mechanisms to enhance results-based financing for targeted improved service delivery
- Build a strong user interactive website and post training guides and self-reflective short questionnaires aimed at causing behavioral change across the nation
- Develop a well authenticated report on those who have done well and a shame list of those involved in corruption.
Enhanced capacity to partner with the state and communities in fighting corruption
- Develop and disseminate a bible study guide on corruption
- Review the new educational curriculum for its content on ethics and anti-corruption
- Coordinated and dedicated sermons across churches and Christian Unions e.g. on World Anti corruption Day on corruption and tribalism
- Promote and support Name & Shame for corrupt leaders and institutions and Recognition awards for ethical and upright leaders.
Increase in individuals and churches promoting peace, justice, and reconciliation in the nation
- Partnership with university and college students, churches and civil society to promote harmony and positive ethnicity;
- Mentor university/college students and young graduates in ethical living;
- Promote use of Hesabika Bible Study material on anti-corruption and justice issues in the workplace, churches, and for individuals.
Be counted
Campaigns for peace, justice and reconciliation in the nation.
Promote integrity & accountability
Promote integrity and accountability for leadership at all levels.
Annual Campaign
Annual Campaign around the International Anti-Corruption Day in December – in CUs, Churches and in the Media